Wednesday, July 18, 2012

it's getting real!

these days when I was at home I could not help keeping an eye on the street to see if the postman was coming my way. and everytime he rang the bell, well, it was a bit like xmas for me. the items I received so far are all amazing and really beautiful! and today the real work started... I went to get the shop keys this morning and started decorating the window (work in progress style!). I am now going back to start putting the shelves on. Luckily I have two lovely friends, Kathrin and Katharina, who are not only helping hands, but also give me nice tips and keep me in a good mood ;) I am a lucky girl indeed! 



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Oplà is the next Minishop at Roodkapje, running from july 20th to sept 2nd. Oplà offers a selection of i(ndie)talian craft, to bring in Rotterdam a bunch of talented creative minds all the way from Italy!



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